About Lisbeth

Lisbeth Højdal is an independent consultant with a Master in Career Counseling from the University of Stockholm. For many years she has been working with the training of career counselors in Denmark and Greenland, and with research and development projects in the field. She has specialized in theories related to career choice and development, and the methodological approaches connected hereto.

Lisbeth Højdal is an active debater in the field of career counseling, with a special interest in exploring the perception of the individual, that various theories rests upon. She has contributed to a debate about the consequences of the increased focus on assessment and categorization of individuals, and about the emerging individualization of career problems.



Master of Social Science with a Major in Education with Specialization in Careers Counseling

University of Stockholm


Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Careers Counseling

University of Stockholm


Qualified lecturer/associate professor

The Danish Institute for Educational Training of Vocational Teachers (DEL)


Social Science Basic Education

Roskilde University


Computer Science Teacher



Basic education for Educational and Vocational Guidance Counselors



Basic Pedagogical Vocational Teacher Training



Basic course in Adult Pedagogy



Academy Professional Course in the Trade of Painting



Certificate in the Trade of Painting


Work experiences

2012 -

Independent consultant and lecturer

Teaching career counselors in Greenland and lectures at courses and conferences for career counselors in Denmark and abroad.


External lecturer at courses in career counseling

University College Absalon

2009- 2014

External Lecturer at Master Course in Counseling

Aarhus University/DPU

2007 – 2012

Associate Professor

University College Capital (UCC). Teaching at courses in Educational-, Vocational- and Career Counseling. Consultancy work and research & development projects

2001 – 2007

Associate professor

The Danish Institute for Educational Training of Vocational Teachers (DEL). Teaching at courses for guidance counselors. Consultancy work and research & development projects

1997 – 2001

Head of the Counseling- division

Technical Education Copenhagen (TEC), Copenhagen (Vocational School).

1993 – 1997


The Danish National Council for Educational and Vocational Guidance (RUE/Ministry of Labour), appointed by the Ministry of Education.

1985 – 1997

Teacher and guidance counselor

Hillerød Technical College

1978 - 1984


Other experiences

2018 -

Censor at graduate courses in educational, vocational and career guidance


Chairing the working group responsible for revising the curriculum for Careers Education in Danish Compulsory Schools.

The Ministry of Education

2010 – 2015

National Correspondent

International Association of Educational and Vocational Guidance/IAEVG


Evaluation of the Adult Guidance Centers in Denmark



EU-evaluator: Adult Guidance in Education – Training of Trainers.

AGETT/Tallinn Pedagogical University, Estonia


Member of a research/practitioner network.


2002- 2003

Evaluating the effect of using personal education plans in the vocational education system.

Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut, EVA


Involved in the OECD- Survey

Policies for Information, Guidance and Counselling in Denmark


Representative of the ministerial committee developing it-based tools for registration of student drop-out and causes.


Censor at training courses in educational, vocational and career guidance


I have published books on career theory and counseling methods and have been working as a lecturer and educator for many years. I am an experienced presenter at Danish and international conferences and have, among other, contributed with critical perspectives on CMS and the Life-Design paradigm.

Thematic presentations – examples

Guidance during times of changes

Ungevejledernetværket i Nordsjælland, 2022

Career development throughout working life

Nordplus Adult/KIAL-Conference, 2021

To meet individual needs without individualizing career challenges


IAEVG-Conference 2021

Career guidance for newly arrived citizens – challenges and perspectives

Vägledarkalendariet, Stockholm, 2020

From matching to Life-design – new paradigms in career counselling

Sveriges Vägledarförening, 2019

The future of guidance in an international perspective - Challenges and discussions

Vestegnens Sprog- og Kompetencecenter, 2019

Self-governance as an objective of Career Counselling. Challenges, Risks and Discussions


IAEVG-conference, October 2018

Qualitative approaches to Career Counselling. Themes and Methods


IAEVG-conference, October 2018. http://www.iaevgconference2018.se/

Competence development as a goal for career guidance – Critical perspectives

Keynote on the conference

Career Management Skills – What – Why – How? November 2017.

Nordic Network on Adult Learning. http://nvl.org/Content/Career-Management-Skills

Career learning and counselling – a profession under pressure


The Association of Guidance Counsellors in the Education System, November 2017.

Themes and phases in career counselling

Workshop on conference

The Swedish Association of Guidance Counsellors. October 2017

How the environment can affect youngster choices and achievements. Guidance methods

Conference for guidance counsellors connected to basic vocational training

(EGU). June 2017

What’s the objective of career guidance and who is it for?

Panel debate on different theoretical approaches in guidance and counselling.

Aarhus University, March 2017

Perspectives on motivation and resistance

The Greenlandic Houses, Denmark. January 2017

Re/viewing the life-design career paradigm: Critical reflections and re/constructions

Symposium, IAEVG’s conference: Promoting Equity through Guidance and Counseling. Reflection, Action, Impact. November 2016. http://iaevg.net/?page_id=1130

Careers Education in Compulsory Schools, governed by Common Objectives

Conference presenting the new Curriculum for Careers education.

The Ministry of Education/University College Absalon. August 2015

Career Counselling – approaches and methods

Conference for guidance counsellors at regional guidance centers (Studievalg), 2014

To set goals and reach them - what does it take?

Norwegian conference for guidance counsellors (Rådgiverkonferansen) Oslo 2014

The impact on guidance – in an individual and societal perspective

Conference for career counsellors in Greenland. 2014

Career counselling – concepts and approaches


The Nordic Network on Adult Learning (NVL). Nuuk, 2014.

Specially designed courses - examples

Themes and methods in career counselling

Continuing education course,

Greenland, 2022

Career learning

Continuing education course for teachers and guidance counsellors in Greenland, 2021

Introduction to career counselling

Course provided for staff members in schools and guidance centres in Greenland, 2021/22

Group counselling

Continuing education course, Greenland, 2019

Career Choice. Themes and methods in career guidance

Course for counsellors connected to Karrieresenter Østfold/Norway, 2017

Get to know your guidance competences

Guidance course for employed and selected members of the Danish Union of Electricians.

Danish Metalworkers' Union/UCSJ, 2015-2016

Career development, choices, and choice processes

Courses in different career theories and methods in guidance (Introduction to: Holland, Super, Savickas, CIP, Gottfredson, SCCT & Krumboltz). The Municipality of Skåne/Sweden (2007-2011)

The power of Identity – How self-concepts can affect choices

Karriär & vägledarkompetencen, Sweden, 2010

Working with self-efficacy and social cognitive methods in career counselling

Seminars in Denmark, Sweden, and Iceland – in cooperation with Steven D. Brown, Loyola University, Chicago. UCC, 2009


I have been working as a consultant for ministries, guidance centers and professional networks. Among others, I have been chairing the working group responsible for the revision of the curriculum for Careers Education in the Danish compulsory school (Uddannelse og Job).

Consultancy, examples

Using Portfolio in Careers Education. Theoretical and methodological approaches to working with portfolio with 10.the grade pupils

The Youth Guidance Center UU- Gribskov & The Danish Ministry of Education (2018)

Process consultant and lecturer at a seminar on Educational Readiness.

The Youth Guidance Center, North-West Zealand/The Municipality of Holbæk (2016)

Development of exemplary courses connected to Careers Education

The Danish Ministry of Education/University College Absalon (2015)

Development of learning goals for the mandatory topic ’Uddannelse og job’ (education and job) and the optional subject ’Arbejdskendskab’ (knowledge about work).

The Danish Ministry of Education (2014-2015)

Development of Teacher guides for planning Careers Education in compulsory schools

The Danish Ministry of Education (2014)

Chairing the working group responsible for the revision of the curriculum for Careers Education in the Danish compulsory school (Uddannelse og Job).

The Danish Ministry of Education (2013/14)

Revision of course curriculum for Basic training course for career counsellors in Greenland (VGU). https://aqqut.gl/vejledergrunduddannelsen-vgu/

The National Center for Guidance in Greenland (2013/2020)

'Process consultant og rapporteur at a seminar on guidance in sparsely populated areas.

Nordic Network on Adult Learning/NVL. (2010)


I have participated in several Danish and international research- and development projects related to guidance. Among other, I have contributed to the OECD-review of Career Guidance Policies in Denmark and to the development of learning goals and exemplary courses for Careers Education in compulsory schools

Danish Projects

Grib Portfolien! (Using Portfolio as a tool in Careers Education)

The Youth Guidance Center UU-Gribskov & The Danish Ministry of Education (2018):

Development and dissemination of 8 exemplary courses in careers education (Uddannelse og job)

The Ministry of Education (UVM) & University College Absalon (2014)

Why the boys fall behind the girls – testing new guidance methods that can challenge boys’ gender stereotypical career choices

Youth Guidance Centers (Vest, Øresund & Sjælsø) (2012-2013)

Choices and circumscriptions – factors influencing student dropout and completion, survey

University College Capital/UCC (2011-2012)

Guidance strategies in the youth education system

Knowledge Center for Educational and Vocational Guidance/VUE (2007-2008)

Evaluation of the Regional Guidance Centers.

The Ministry of Education (UVM) & The National Center for Competence Development (NCK) (2008)

Model for competence assessment of guidance practitioners

VUE (2007)

Competence assessment and recognition

VUE (2008)

The culture of evaluation on vocational schools

The Ministry of Education (UVM) & The Danish Institute for Educational Training of Vocational Teachers (DEL): (2005-2006)

Educational plans as a tool in guidance – decision making skills

UVM/DEL (2003-2004)

Integrated guidance in vocational schools – a cooperative model

UVM/TEC (2002)

Educational and vocational guidance, beyond the “Reform 2000”

UVM/DEL (2000-2001)

The Individual Education Plan as a tool in guidance

UVM/TEC (1999-2000)

Drop-out from vocational education – tools to register student dropout and their causes

UVM/TEC (1999-2000)

International Projects

Network of Career counseling and guidance programs at higher education institution in the Nordic and Baltic countries/VALA

Nordplus (2012 - )

Entrepreneurship, Education and the World of Work

EU/Comenius (2012-2014)

School and the World of Work

EU/Comenius (2007-2010)

Interests and Desires. Creative Planning of a Meaningful Life in precarious work conditions

EU/Grundtvig (2005-2008)

Reflective Quality Development for CVET-teachers and trainers through Self-evaluation

EU/Leonardo (2005-2007)

Training of Trainers – Croatian Specialist. Upgrading VET-schools – Establishing Centers of Excellence.

DEL (2006)'

Self-evaluation – Transnational methods and models for Self-evaluation of Non-formal Competences

EU/Leonardo (2003-2005)

Adult Guidance in Education. Training of Trainers/AGETT, Estonia

EU/Leonardo (2004)

Meeting the Needs of Employment: European Curriculum Guidelines for Lifelong Learning Vocational Counselors

EU/Leonardo (2002-2004)

Training of TVET trainers. The National Training of Trainers Institute (NTTI), Jordan and the Euro-Jordanian action for the development of enterprise (EJADA)

DEL (2003)

OECD Review of Career Guidance Policies. Information, guidance and counselling. Denmark.

OECD (2002)

Enhancing the quality of Information and Guidance Materials and standards of practice/The ENIGMA group.

EU/PETRA II (1996)


I am the author of the book ‘Career Counseling. Themes and Methods’ which present different methodological approaches to career counseling. The included themes and methods originate from some of the major career theories presented in the textbook ‘Karrierevalg. Teorier om valg og valgprocesser’ that is used as basic literature on training courses for guidance counselors. I have written several articles on various topics related to the field of career counseling.


Contemporary Approaches to Career Counseling: Critical Perspectives on the Life-Design Paradigm

Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance, 1


Challenging Perspectives on the Life-Design Career Paradigm: Critical Reflections and Re/constructions, (Irving, Borgen & Højdal).

International Perspectives on Research in Educational and Career Guidance. Promoting Equity Through Guidance. Springer


Career Counseling. Themes and Methods



Kan vi designe vårt liv og vår karriere? (Can we design our lives and careers?)

Veilederforum, Norway.


Karrierevejledning i et krydsfelt (Career guidance at a crossroad).

Vejlederforum, Schultz/Vidensdeling


Fastholdelse af studerende i et politisk og karriereteoretisk perspektiv (”Restraining” students in the education system – political and theoretical perspectives)

Tema: Fastholdelse og frafald i læreruddannelsen, Unge Pædagoger Nr. 2


Dansk Vejledning – lost in translation (Guidance in Denmark – lost in translation).



Karrierevalg. Teorier om valg og valgprocesser (Career Choice. Introduction to Career Choice Theories)



Uddannelsesværnepligt (Youth enrolled in “educational conscription” – working with mandated clients)

Information, 26. Januar


Fastholdelse forklædt som kærlighed (Restraining - disguised as love)

Via Vejledning. UVM


Erhvervsvalgsmodenhed og valgkompetence (Career maturity and decision making skills).

Vejlederforum, Studie og erhverv


Nytter det at mandsopdække de unge med en mentor? (Does “round the clock surveillance” of youngsters by appointed mentors do any good?).

Information, 30. Juli


Realkompetence og anerkendelse (Competence assessment and Recognition) (RKV).



Vejledningsstrategier i ungdomsuddannelserne (Guidance Strategies in the Youth Education System)



Børn og unges valg og fremtidsplaner (Children and Adolescent’s choices and plans for the future).

Skolen. Januar


At skabe sammenhæng mellem teori og metoder (Coherence between theory and methods).

VUE - Nyhedsbrev Nr. 1


Evalueringskultur på erhvervsskolerne (The culture of evaluation at vocational schools)

Undervisningsministeriets temahæfteserie nr. 8, UVM


Valgkompetence og vejledning, i: Vejbred – en antologi om vejledning (Anthology on Career Guidance).

Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitets Forlag.


Policies for Information, Guidance and Counselling Services in Denmark.



Idékatalog til grundlæggende vejlederuddannelser. (The content of training courses for career counsellors - inspiration)



Etik i vejledningen. Etiske retningslinjer for uddannelses- og erhvervsvejledning (Ethical Guidelines for Educational and Vocational Guidance/co-author).